Damp & Timber Quotation/Survey Options in Derbyshire (Derby) & West Nottinghamshire

We take immense pride in upholding a core value of integrity, ensuring that our quotation and survey services are founded on honesty.


Our approach is to provide assessments that solely consider the genuine needs of your property, without suggesting unnecessary work.


In this regard, we rely on the expertise of our highly qualified surveyor, Paul, who holds certifications as a Certificated Surveyor in Remedial Treatment (CSRT) and Certificated Surveyor in Structural Waterproofing (CSSW), boasting an impressive 20-year track record in the industry. Moreover, Paul is an esteemed Associate Member of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (ACABE).


Our affiliation with the Property Care Association (PCA) further enhances the credibility of our survey reports, as they are widely recognised and accepted by all major banks and mortgage providers.


Clients can rest assured that their property assessments will be conducted with utmost professionalism, and the recommendations offered will be based on Paul's expertise and experience.

Why Choose a PCA Member

The importance of choosing the right contractor for your damp and timber problems.


You can contact us by calling  DERBY 01332 960160  MATLOCK 01629 352019 or use our contact form.


Survey / Quotation Options

Survey Type Comparison Table

Damp Survey


A Damp Survey will involve our CSRT Surveyor investigating the cause of a damp problem. (Such as rising dampness, salt contamination, penetrating dampness or condensation) to a specific area you have requested to be inspected or the whole property if required.


Detailed Survey Report to Include:

  • Property Observations (External & Internal), Findings & Appropriate Recommendations.
  • Instrumental tests carried out to wall surfaces using electronic moisture meters.
  • Instrumental tests carried out to assess condensation risk.(Temp, RH & Dew Point etc)
  • Aerial Photography (If required and weather dependent)
  • Specifications & Costings (Quotation).

Please note: the survey is of a non destructive nature unless otherwise agreed. Any destructive testing such as salt testing, gravimetrics or the use of a speedy carbide meter will be at an additional cost.



Specific Defect Survey - Specific Area Only - Starts from £96.00 including VAT

Full Property  (Damp Survey Only)- Starts from £270.00 including VAT

Full Property  (Combined Damp & Timber Survey) - Starts from £330.00 including VAT


Specific area surveys for Homeowners/landlords only. Not to be used for Pre Purchase of properties.

Condensation Survey.


Our Condensation Survey will involve our Surveyor assessing the whole property for any issues which may allow excessive condensation to occur within the property.This will include an assessment of the existing ventilation, heating and insulation.


Detailed Survey Report to Include:

  • Property Observations (External & Internal), Findings & Appropriate Recommendations.
  • Instrumental tests carried out to assess condensation risk.(Temp, RH & Dew Point etc)
  • Check of existing ventilation equipment using a calibrated anemometer where possible.
  • Specifications & Costings if required (Quotation).


Full Property Condensation Survey - £192.00 including VAT

Environmental Data Logging (For Condensation Issues)

Data Logging for Condensation problems Data Logging

Data logging is used to monitor the internal environment of a property. Our data logging equipment automatically logs the relative humidity, dew point and temperature at various intervals.


Using data logging equipment to measure humidity and temperature regularly inside and outside properties over a set period of time can help build a picture of why condensation and mould is occurring and determine the contribution to the internal environment that is being made by the residents.


Our logging equipment is normally installed within a property for at least 4 weeks to gain valuable data. At the end of the logging period, the equipment is removed and the data is uploaded on to a computer.


Once we have gathered all the data, we are then able to evaluate it and produce graphs which will provide information in various forms. This data will then be presented in a report format.


Read more about our Data Logging Service



From £420.00 including VAT   (Price includes a condensation survey & report with data logging results)

Timber (Woodworm/Rots) Survey.


Our  Timber (Woodworm/ Rots) Surveys will involve our CSRT surveyor identifying any active or inactive wood boring insect’s infestation (Woodworm) and/or identifying areas of rot (Fungal Decay)to an area you have requested to be inspected or the whole property if required. If an active attack is identified,you will be given appropriate recommendations to rectify the problem.


Detailed Survey Report to Include:

  • Property Observations (External & Internal), Findings & Appropriate Recommendations.
  • Instrumental tests carried out to accessible timbers using an electronic moisture meter.
  • Specifications & Costings if required (Quotation).


Please note: the survey is of a non-destructive nature unless otherwise agreed.



Specific Defect Survey* - Specific Area Only - Starts from £96.00 including VAT

Full Property  (Timber Survey Only)- Starts from £270.00 including VAT

Full Property  (Combined Damp & Timber Survey) - Starts from £330.00 including VAT


*Specific area surveys for Homeowners/landlords only. Not to be used for Pre Purchase of properties.

Quotation ONLY (Damp Issues)


A Quotation will involve providing a specification and costings for a problem that has already had its root cause identified. (Rising Dampness, Salt Contamination, Penetrating Dampness). We will require this information to be able to know the type of repair you require a quotation for.


Please remember that there are several reasons why a wall can be damp and therefore we need to know what is causing the damp to be able to know how to fix it. For example, a blocked drain will not be fixed by installing a damp proof course and re-plastering. It is vital that the cause of dampness is correctly identified to prevent dampness from coming back.


Please note that this is not a survey/inspection/Assessment and therefore no diagnostic testing will be undertaken or advice/recommendations given. Our specification will be based on the diagnosis given to us. If you are unsure of the exact cause of dampness/rot and/or require advice and recommendations, then we recommend that a survey is undertaken.


A quotation document will include:

  • Specification & Costings ONLY (Quotation).

(Detailed Survey Report NOT INCLUDED)





* This service is for Homeowners ONLY.


Quotation ONLY (Timber Issues)


A Quotation will involve providing a specification and costings for a problem that has already had its root cause identified. (Wet/Dry Rot and/or Woodworm). We will require this information to be able to know the type of repair you require a quotation for.


We would always recommend that a survey is carried out to check whether woodworm is active or historic. Inactive woodworm infestations do not generally require treatment. A paid survey will provide you with this information. If you are certain that the woodworm is active, then we can provide a treatment quotation for free.


Please note that this is not a survey/inspection and therefore no diagnostic testing will be undertaken or advice/recommendations given. Our specification will be based on the diagnosis given to us. If you are unsure of the exact cause of rot/woodworm and require advice and recommendations then we recommend that a survey is undertaken.


A quotation document will include:

  • Specification & Costings ONLY (Quotation).

(Detailed Survey Report NOT INCLUDED)





* This service is for Homeowners ONLY.

Additonal Surveying Services


On occasion, we may require additonal equipment/resources to be used during our surveys. This can include and is not limited to:


Aerial Photography and Video Footage using a Drone

Salt Testing Analysis

Calcium Carbide testing

Thermal Imaging

Using Drain Dye


The use of some of this equipment will come at an additional cost. This will always be agreed with the client before going ahead.


Some of the above is classed as destructive testing and therefore can only be undertaken with consent of the building owner.



Multiple surveys can be booked where more than one type of problem is evident.

Payment is required when you book your survey appointment. All survey fees are subjected to VAT at 20%.

Full Property Combined Damp & Timber Survey


Full Property  (Combined Damp & Timber Survey) - Starts from £330.00 including VAT


A Full Property Damp & Timber Survey includes:


Scope of Damp Survey (External & Internal Inspection):

  • To inspect all the masonry ground floor walls which are in contact with the ground for the presence of dampness where possible to BS 6576:2005 (Code of Practice for Diagnosis of Rising Dampness in Walls of Buildings and Installation of Chemical Damp-proof Courses). 
  • To visually inspect external chimneystacks where possible from surrounding ground level for significant defects which may cause dampness internally.  
  • Comments on rainwater goods for their condition and ability to dispose of rainwater effectively.  
  • To inspect the external ground levels to ascertain if their height is bridging the damp proof course.
  • To inspect for associated defects resulting in possible dampness, found at the time of survey.  
  • To inspect all accessible and unconcealed areas of the property for any likely causes of damp including penetrating damp, damp due to hygroscopic salts and damp due to roof and gutter leakages.
  • To provide comments on any mechanical ventilation equipment which is installed to control condensation.
  • Instrumental tests carried out to assess condensation risk within the living space of the property. (Temperature, Dew Point, Relative Humidity and Vapour Pressures) (Mainly carried out in the winter months when condensation may be a risk)


Scope of Timber Survey (Internal):

  • The accessible structural timbers of the roof and floors will be inspected for evidence of infestation by wood-boring beetles/wood destroying fungi.
  • To inspect sub floor vents - Ventilation for suspended timber floors. 


All the above will form part of the report. If you have further instructions, please provide these in writing before the survey is undertaken.


External Inspection

Our inspection will incorporate a visual inspection of the exterior of the building from ground level, but will not, unless by prior arrangement, include use of large ladders or scaffolds. Where possible/appropriate we may use a telescopic camera pole to undertake aerial photography (This is limited to a height of 8 Metres)


The report may contain comments on external joinery (which is subject to natural weathering) only if this is causing an obvious source of rain penetration into the structure. Outbuildings, fences, gates and furniture are not inspected.


Internal Inspection

Internally, when instructed, our surveyor will inspect visible surfaces of fixed joinery timbers and exposed structural timbers. Timber floors will be inspected, where possible, by lifting loose floorboards or trapdoors. To avoid damage, any wood block, strip, laminate or other decorative flooring, including fitted carpets, will not be lifted. 


If areas are not accessible at our first visit, we will be pleased to re-inspect when arrangements have been made by our client for the areas to be cleared of all restrictions. Additional costs may be incurred and passed to the Client, if further visits are required.


Sub Floor Inspection

If a sub floor inspection is specifically required, the Client must arrange in advance for furniture to be moved and carpets to be lifted prior to the Surveyor's attendance and shall so advise the company in advance. Any costs of such works will be the Client's responsibility.


The Surveyor is under no obligation to move furniture or floor coverings, raise fixed floorboards or to inspect those areas of the property that are covered, unexposed or is not readily accessible.


When access cannot be gained into the sub floor void from above, we will endeavour to use an endoscope camera to be inserted through a sub floor air vent (If the opening in the vent is large enough). Whilst this will have a very limited view, it may be able to provide some useful information which may prompt us to recommend further investigation when access can be gained.


Roof Timbers

Roof timbers are inspected only if a suitable access trap is available, and it is safe to reach the hatch with a standard set of telescopic ladders. To be able to fully inspect the roofing timbers, a certain amount of boarding will need to be laid across the ceiling joists which will allow for safe access around the roof structure. If boarding is not laid down, then our inspection will be restricted, and any comments given will be based on a head and shoulders inspection from the roof hatch.


Areas of potential major defect, which cannot be inspected, will be listed with recommendations for further investigations or suggested courses of action. Minor defects may not be listed.


Non-Destructive Testing

All surveys carried out by CK Walker Damp & Timbers are generally of a non-destructive nature unless specifically stated otherwise.  This means that we will base our report on a visual inspection of the property only, together with any readings which can be taken from the existing surfaces of the property.  Our recommendations in such a report are therefore limited by the inspection we can carry out.


When instructed, the Surveyor will take electronic moisture meter readings on internal wall surfaces to assess rising or penetrating water from the ground. Panelled, tiled or dry lined areas cannot be inspected.


Destructive Testing/Investigation

If it is felt that destructive testing/investigation may be required (Salt analysis, taking samples from walls for chemical analysis, opening up cavity walls/floors etc) then permission must be gained before this can take place. Where you are not the property owner, you are unable to supply this permission, and it is also exceedingly rare that the current owner of the property would authorise such testing/investigation.  If permission can be given, then we would be happy to proceed with further testing/investigation on the understanding that this can cause damage. Alternatively, we can carry out the destructive testing/investigation once you own the property and can give permission.


Other Defects

Where we have drawn your attention to other defects or to items that are outside the scope of the survey as defined earlier, these should be regarded as helpful suggestions and not a full and complete assessment of any problems that might exist.


Whilst all efforts are made to find all possible causes of dampness, there will be limitations to our survey. For example, faulty drains and plumbing leaks may require specialist investigation by others. Where issues such as these are suspected, we will advise, but we cannot be held responsible for hidden defects that could not be visibly seen during our survey. Some issues like mortar droppings within a cavity wall, we will not be able to be find without carrying out a destructive survey. As already stated, permission must be gained for a destructive survey to take place.


Report Information

After inspection, and on receipt of any fees that are due, the Surveyor will produce a report detailing the observations and other points of relevant note at the time of the inspection. Recommendations including advice, proposed repairs, any treatments and associated works by others may be included in the report or attachment.  A no obligation quotation will be issued for any damp proofing, timber treatments or ventilation works to which we have specified. If you do not wish to have a quotation for works issued with the report, then please let us know in advance and this will be excluded.


The Report is provided for the sole use of our named Client and is confidential to the Client and his professional advisers (Mortgage Company/Bank/Conveyancing Solicitor). The company accepts responsibility to the Client alone for the stated purpose that the report will be prepared with the skill, care and diligence reasonably to be expected of a competent Surveyor, but accepts no responsibility whatsoever to any person other than the Client themself. Any such person relies upon the report at their own risk. The report expressly excludes the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


Payment is required when you book your survey appointment. All survey fees are subjected to VAT at 20%.

Take a look at our Surveyors Photo Gallery

Interesting Damp & Timber Defects Found on Surveys Throughout Derbyshire & Nottingham.

Our CSRT CSSW Surveyor has put together a gallery of pictures of some of the defects, strange problems and general problems we come across on a day to day basis.

Amber Valley



Derbyshire Dales


North East Derbyshire

South Derbyshire (Excluding Swadlincote Area)







Get in Touch

You can contact us by calling  01332 960160 - 01629 352019 or use our contact form.


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CK Walker Damp & Timbers have been provides Damp Proofing, Condensation Control, Re-Plastering, Fungal Decay & Woodworm solutions throughout Derbyshire & West Nottinghamshire. CK Walker LTD trading as CK Walker Damp & Timbers – Company Number 09072842 - Address – Unit 4, Block 13, Amber Business Centre, Greenhill Lane, Riddings, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 4BR All images and text on this website are protected by copyright. 2023 For all your damp proofing & timber treatment needs in Derbyshire & West Nottinghamshire, Call us on 01332 960160 or 01629 352019